Flu season is fast approaching. Flu spreads easily and can sicken kids and their caregivers quickly. The California Department of Public Health encourages you to promote influenza vaccination for your child attendees, teachers and staff. As a reminder, childcare staff and volunteers are required by law (Chapter 807, Statutes of 2015) to get vaccinated against flu (as well as whooping cough and measles), unless they have a signed letter from a doctor for either a medical exemption or a declination. To help notify staff and volunteers, we invite you to print copies of this flyer or order FREE copies from your local health department.
Babies and young children need the flu vaccine every year starting at age 6 months old. Even healthy children can be hospitalized or die from flu complications. Consider promoting vaccine finder and your local health department for staff and families seeking flu vaccination. When flu vaccine is in stock, those with Medi-Cal can also get immunized at the pharmacy where they generally pick up their prescriptions.