Dear Parents,
I would like to welcome you and your child to Preschool class. I am excited about the upcoming school year. Your children will be learning many new and exciting things this year. First and foremost they will be learning how to be independent thinkers. It is my main objective to teach them compassion and understanding along with the basic academic skills, which will be high this year!
Homework will be assigned every Monday and is due back on a Friday of the same week. (Children will be given a week to complete the homework packet).
Children are responsible for their own homework. They will have the entire week to complete the homework packet. Homework folders along with any graded work or letters will be placed in your child’s folder. Please check your child’s folder daily.
We will have our” Sharing day” every Thursday. Please make sure that the object that your child brings to school is small enough to fit in his/her cubby. They are allowed to bring (small toys, books, photos, etc.)
Miss Adrina Hydikian
TK/ Kindergarten Teacher