Preschool can reduce the need for special education services. Special education services are often available to children who aren’t achieving developmental milestones or performing at a rate comparable to their peers in the classroom. Though these services are an essential intervention for kids who need them, the research is clear that preschool can often prevent kids from falling behind in the first place. A report from the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) states, “Children who attend high-quality preschool programs are less likely to utilize special education services or be retained in their grade, and are more likely to graduate from high school, go on to college, and succeed in their careers than those who have not attended high-quality preschool programs.”4…..#preschool#glendaledaycare#burbankpreschool#glendaleschool#burbankschool#glendalekindergarten#burbankkindergarten#childcare#childcarecenter#teachingchildren#kidkare#covidsafe#covidsafeschool#safeschool#education#glendalepreschool