Promotes Healthy Living. One of the top benefits of preschool for toddlers is it encourages them to stay active and eat healthy. Over 14 million children and adolescents are obese because they’re exposed to poor diets and don’t get regular exercise. But at preschool, teachers incorporate physical activity into classes so little ones stay active. Most institutions also have an outdoor area where kids can play tag with one another and experiment with different sports. And when you encourage exercise, then promoting a healthy diet becomes easier, whether it’s sneaking in broccoli at dinner or swapping out potato chips for carrots…#preschool#glendaledaycare#burbankpreschool#glendaleschool#burbankschool#glendalekindergarten#burbankkindergarten#childcare#childcarecenter#teachingchildren#kidkare#covidsafe#covidsafeschool#safeschool#education#glendalepreschool