Have you noticed that your baby loves to put together shape puzzles and sort objects out by color and size? Believe it or not, they are displaying the first signs of applying logic and basic mathematical concepts. A preschool can transition a child from sorting to counting and even simple addition before they enter kindergarten—and without a punitive grading system that squelches enthusiasm. Math challenges many students in the United States. The National Math + Science Initiative in Dallas estimates a mere 36% of American children graduate high school with college-ready math skills. This low performance stems from children fearing math. That alarming statistic underlines the need to foster math skills from a tender age. Enrolling your infant or toddler in a preschool that builds on the young child’s natural interest in math spurs that curiosity, reinforces the principles they’ve mastered, and continues to build on that foundation of knowledge that your child can carry for life.. #preschool#glendaledaycare#burbankpreschool#glendaleschool#burbankschool#glendalekindergarten#burbankkindergarten#childcare#childcarecenter#teachingchildren#kidkare#covidsafe#covidsafeschool#safeschool#education#glendalepreschool