Allows the Mind to Be Curious

At Bonnie Academy, we provide the following Preschool- and Kindergarten-Age Benefits: Benefits of preschool education Allows the Mind to Be Curious A curious mind builds a strong character. In preschool, your child has the opportunity to expand their thinking. These kids have the chance to build their world. Preschool is where a child can build their imagination. They can interact with other children and expand their thinking beyond prior knowledge. It is also where they can learn things that intrigue them. Building a child’s curiosity opens up doors for their future. It allows them to discover the things that interest them. That curious mind could lead them down the path of wanting to be a doctor or a lawyer. They have the chance to learn in-depth about dinosaurs and why the sky is blue. Those questions that your child asks in a day will have the potential to grow. They will be asking more questions and wondering more about the world around them….


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