
Patience is hard, but the more practice the better. Even adults can struggle with the concept of waiting and being patient.  Preschool is often one of the perfect places to practice this skill. Students are asked to wait in line, wait for a turn with a toy, wait for a snack, and many other times. This practice, along with appropriate feedback from the teacher, allows your child to self regulate their emotions and be able to handle waiting.  Teachers have worked hard to add mindfulness to their classrooms to help with this as well. .. #preschool#glendaledaycare#burbankpreschool#glendaleschool#burbankschool#glendalekindergarten#burbankkindergarten#childcare#childcarecenter#teachingchildren#kidkare#covidsafe#covidsafeschool#safeschool#education#glendalepreschool

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